If you’re thinking of quitting your day job to become an off-road diesel fuel smuggler, think again. In today’s post, we’ll be discussing the reasons why is off-road diesel illegal and what happens if you’re caught using it illegally.
We’ll also provide you with tips on where to buy off-road diesel fuel safely and avoid getting caught red-handed. So, read on and learn everything you need to know about this dangerous fuel!
Before we continue our discussion if you want to get more information about off-road diesel, you can read this article: What is Off Road Diesel – A Complete Guide
Why is Off-Road Diesel Illegal
Nowadays, ULSD makes up the majority of the red diesel sold. As of 2014, the EPA exemption that permitted higher sulfur content was eliminated, and it won’t be long until all other uses of it are either exhausted or replaced.
Rebated off-road diesel is essentially the government’s approach to providing incentives to businesses that utilize diesel fuel, including agriculture and construction.
Saving money on fuel will unquestionably increase any company’s chances of turning a profit. In that context, a tax evasion charge may be brought against you if you use red diesel for personal use.
Read more about off-road diesel in our article: Accidentally Put Off-road Diesel in My Truck – What Happens
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Illegal Off-Road Fuel Investigation Techniques
Field packs are carried by government investigators who analyze fuel to check for even minute levels of dye. If even trace amounts are found, you are in violation and face consequences.
At weigh stations, safety checkpoints, agricultural exhibitions, and other locations where drivers of commercial vehicles congregate, investigators frequently test fuel.
Police methods for looking for red diesel
Simply flashing a flashlight or blacklight into your gas tank to search for red dye is one way that police or tax inspectors can check for off-road, untaxed diesel. A test strip can also be lowered into the tank to “dip” it. Even diluted red diesel can be detected by a test strip.
Even when significantly diluted with “clear” gasoline, red diesel is still quite simple to spot. It is safe to assume that officials will be checking tanks more frequently given the high cost of gas.
You risk receiving a large fine if you are discovered operating off-road diesel. Many states impose a minimum fine of $1,000 per gas tank. If a higher fine is required, these same states impose a $10/gallon fee in its place. That is prior to any federal penalties for tax evasion.
Penalties for Unauthorized Use of Off-Road Diesel
If an inspector discovers colored fuel in your tank, you may be charged a fine ranging from $100 to more than $1,000 for each gallon of gas.
Additionally, you can end up owing the IRS and state tax authorities extra taxes as well as interest for unpaid taxes. You run the danger of losing your job if you work for a firm and are discovered using off-road fuel illegally.
Filling your diesel truck with off-road diesel is a serious crime. In fact, it is unlawful on numerous levels because tax evasion is a crime that violates both state and federal laws. Therefore, if you misuse off-road diesel, several organizations may pursue you.
Furthermore, it is simple to get caught using off-road diesel. Manufacturers are required to color this untaxed diesel so highly that a police officer or other official can detect it with just one gallon in a gas tank.
Where to Buy Off-Road Diesel
Most typical gas stations do not sell off-road diesel. In rural locations where industrial and agricultural enterprises depend on tax-free diesel fuel, you’re more likely to locate it.
Red Diesel Delivery Services
Off-road diesel can be delivered right to your property by delivery services. If you have an above-ground feedlot, which is typical on farms and ranches, this is frequently what happens.
Some businesses that transport off-road diesel also deliver coal and heating oil, allowing you to schedule simultaneous replenishment of numerous tanks or fuel bunkers.
Service Stations
Another choice is fueling stations for industry and agriculture. They function quite similarly to ordinary gas stations but offer many varieties of diesel for various uses.
To be clear, off-road diesel pumps are not for regular diesel vehicles and are marked differently from on-road pumps.
Some red diesel fueling stations are owned or operated by companies or organizations. Only those with a particular card or spending account are permitted to use these terminals, which are spread out around the nation.
This is practical for farmers who routinely dispatch employees to fill a range of cars or for residents who regularly receive supplies of red diesel.
We have an article about the differences between off-road diesel and the regular on our blog. Go to: What’s the Difference Between Off-Road Diesel and Regular Diesel?
Thanks for reading! In this blog, we will be discussing the reasons why off-road diesel is illegal and the consequences that come with using this fuel illegally.
By the end of this blog, you will have a better understanding of why off-road diesel is illegal and what you can do to avoid getting caught. Make sure to read through the whole blog to get the most comprehensive information on the topic.